
Friday, January 30, 2015

ROUGH EDGES by Kimberly Krey: $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Rough Edges by Kimberly Krey, a companion to the Sweet Montana Bride romance series.

"Can this carpenter smooth out the past?"

Rough Edges
Divorced mother, Allie Emerson, never imagined she’d be raising two teenage girls on her own. Between parenting and paying the bills, she hasn’t even thought about meeting a man. That changes once she hears local carpenter, Braden Fox, is in need of a secretary. Back in high school, Allie had done all she could to deny the sparks burning between her and Braden; perhaps now they could explore the possibilities. Braden has heard all about what Terrance did to Allie and the girls, has been planning to stop by and see how she’s getting along, but Allie beats him to it by showing up at his shop in search of a job. Her single visit reignites the old flame Braden used to torch for her; trouble is, old feelings of resentment return as well. Allie did choose Terrance over him, after all. And as much as Braden wants Allie in his life, he’s not sure he can open his heart again. With this second chance at romance, will the bumps in their relationship be too much to get over, or will this carpenter learn to smooth out the past?

Praise for Rough Edges 

"Kimberly Krey never fails to truly amaze and captivate my heart ... She has done it yet again with this heart stopping journey of a second chance at a once in a lifetime love." ~Amber @ Wonderings of One Person

"An utterly charming romance!" ~Jamie Brook Thompson

 add to goodreads  


Their eyes met once more, and a shot of heat flooded his chest like a liquid bolt of lightening, forcing his pulse to rush. “I’ve missed you,” he blurted. Her eyes widened in response, and Braden wondered if he’d been too bold. He’d hardly meant to speak it. It’d been more of a thought. A longing, really. At last she nodded. “Yeah,” she said, her voice soft and low. “I … I’ve been wondering about you too. How you’ve been over the years. I kept asking Terrance who you were dating. If you were close to marrying anyone…” Her words drifted off for a breath, but then she spoke up again. “You admitted that you’d turned down our offers to come to dinner and catch up.” She studied him for a moment, a challenge presented in her gaze. “All those years. Why didn’t you just come?” “You know why.” He’d nearly spoken over her, but he couldn’t help it. “No, Braden, I don’t.” He nodded adamantly, taking a step back and folding his arms. “Think about it, Allie.” ... “I have thought about it –” “Not nearly enough, apparently,” he snapped. “I’ve thought about it all these years. It hurt my feelings. I thought we were friends.” ... Braden bit back his words and broke into a pace. “Braden,” she said, “I wanted you to stay a part of our lives. You were the best influence Terrance had and you just stopped being his friend? Why would you do that?” Braden froze in place. “I was a better friend to him than you’ll ever know.” Or possibly the worst, he realized. He strode back, his gaze set on her. “And I didn’t want to be your friend, Allie. I wanted more than that and you know it.” Her face fell flat. Her lips parted. But no words came. She cleared her throat, casting her eyes to the floor. “Yeah,” he said. “Don’t pretend that you don’t know. I made it clear. And as soon as I did you started setting me up with every friend you had. Including Kayla.” “That’s not…” Her face flushed red. Her lips tightened. “That’s not how it went, Braden.” The silence that followed was painful. The tension wedged in each passing second pressed at Braden’s last nerve. “Well,” he said, “this has been a nice trip down memory lane, but if you don’t mind I’ve got to get back to work. Come on out when you’re ready.” He turned away from her in one quick jerk and walked out of the kitchen, one long stride after the next.

Kimberly Krey

Author Kimberly Krey 

Writing Romance That's Clean Without Losing the Steam! I'm a reader of good, clean romance, a lover of family time and Diet Coke, and the ultimate hater of laundry. I'm not patient enough to enjoy yoga, or tall enough to be great at basketball, but I do love to run - anywhere but on a treadmill. I love the sound of a rainstorm when I have no place to go, the feel of Soft Lips chap Stick on my lips, and the first peek of blue water as we round the mountains toward our favorite getaway in Bear Lake.


$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 

Ends 2/18/15

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 29, 2015

DEVON'S CHOICE by Catherine Bennett: $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Devon's Choice by Catherine Bennett, a romance novel.

"Faith, love, and a cup of coffee can change everything." 

devon's choice
Life holds no surprises for Devon Murphy. Her life consists of keeping tabs on her aging Irish father, working part time at a coffee shop, and building her online graphics design business. Devon’s only tricky situation is a shallow relationship with the pampered and affluent Michael Turner, who sees her as just another woman to conquer. Following his father’s death, Brandon’s only goal is to expand the family business and live life on his own terms. That is, until he walks into the coffee shop one snowy evening and meets the enchanting, red-haired barista behind the counter. But can Devon and Brandon’s attraction for each other be strong enough to help erase their deepest disappointments and renew their faith in God?


Brandon looked over at her neutral expression. Whatever kind of relationship she had with Michael Turner didn’t seem to be making her happy. At that moment, all he wanted to do was to make her forget all about the jerk. As if sensing him watching her, Devon turned her head enough to make eye contact with him. The faint, milky glow from the streetlight showed enough of her features for him to see a soft blush warm her cheeks. Under her dark lashes, he watched her sea green eyes glint invitingly as her soft lips turned up at the corners. In that moment, his resolve to keep the date on a friendly level came crashing down.


Catherine Bennett Author Catherine Bennett

I grew up in Ohio where I currently live with my husband and our two rescue Labradors. Some of my favorite things include reading, shopping, pepperoni pizza, Hershey bars and hanging out with my two grown sons. I also love dogs; so going to the dog park is cheap entertainment for my husband and I! Growing up an only child, I had many imaginary friends. I believe this - and a love of books - fueled my desire to write. It was many years later that my dream of becoming a published author came true. I’m grateful to God for always keeping a story in my heart and hope you are blessed and entertained by my book.

Devon's Choice (1)

Blog Tour Schedule


$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 2/15/15

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Author Interview & Teaser Tour: through infinity and thanks for the memories by Libby Austin

infinityteaser (1)
Welcome to the teaser tour for the contemporary romances through infinity and thanks for the memories by Libby Austin!

Today, I am hosting an interview post with Libby Austin on this blog. In it, she shares a little bit about the books and herself. Stick with us, there's a link to Libby's website to download thanks for the memories for free at the end of this post!

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

Hmm Not much to tell. I’m a wife and mother who’s obsessed with books. My favorite color is green, I love crime shows but have a weak stomach, I have a very dry sense of humor, and I’m a Dr. Pepper addict.

2. Your book through infinity, what is it about?

through infinity is about a family coming together when one of them is in need. The overall theme would be ‘does love reside in our heads or our hearts’.

3. Where did the idea for your book come from?

The idea for the book came from my son. My husband had been working out of town for several weeks. He came home for a surprise visit. Our son ran up to him and said, “Hi, Dad! Do you remember me?” Of course my husband said yes, but I wondered what would happen if you didn’t remember, and from there, through infinity was written.

4. The children in the book, their characters where amazing, and Dawson I think will have a special place in readers hearts. Can you tell us about Dawson and is he based at all on someone?

Dawson is probably the only character who’s really based on a real person. He’s based on my son and the son of my editor. Both of our boys share similar traits. I took some of the characteristics from each of them and created Dawson.

5. Do your characters talk to you?

No, they really don’t. It’s more like I see what happens between them.

6. How difficult was it to write about Candice's recovery?

Candice was a difficult character to write because she’s very self-contained, and like most people, she had some thoughts she didn’t want to acknowledge. She’s not very vocal in her feelings and she felt a lot of shame for not “automatically” loving her family. I think that’s a struggle some new mothers, and fathers, deal with. Loving someone, even your child, isn’t always automatic. A lot of parents feel judged for that and guilty for that, so it was something I wanted to highlight.

It was difficult, in a sense, to keep it true to a story of a family coming together without sensationalizing it and turning it into a soap opera. When I wrote through infinity, it felt like most of the “drama” I could add was contrived and really didn’t fit with the story, so I kept it true to the storyline I envisioned.

7. What authors have inspired you?

Too many to name. Even authors of books that I didn’t connect with inspired me because they took the step to put their work out there for judgment. But to name a few:

Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber, Johanna Lindsey, Annette Broaderick, Jaci Burton, Tracy Anne Warren, Norah Hess, Kelly Elliott, Aleatha Romig, Anne Elliot, Colleen Hoover, Rebecca Shea, Jessica Sorensen, Gena Showalter, Megan Hart, Lauren Dane, R. D. Cole and Nyrae Dawn

But most of all, Lois Faye Dyer.

8. Talk about your cover, where did the idea come from and who designed it?

Aww the cover. I could probably write a book on that alone. Lol When I came up with the concept of the cover, I knew it wanted the infinity symbol on it with a color scheme of gold and/or silver. I didn’t want the infinity symbol to be broken, but it needed something to highlight the tension of the story. One night, as I lay in bed (which is when all great ideas seem to appear), the idea of missing puzzle pieces came to me. I passed that on to the cover designer I was working with at the time. When I received the cover mock-up from the designer it was nothing like I envisioned. It had a very somber tone to it, and while through infinity deals with a somewhat somber subject, the overall tone of the book is hopeful, or at least I hope it is.

After seeing that mock-up, I knew I wanted what I was envisioning to capture the story. I approached a different designer with my concept. I had figured out that I wanted something to represent her family as the missing pieces of the puzzle, but I didn’t want faces and I didn’t want silhouettes because they just didn’t convey the correct emotion. That night I was going somewhere and I put on my charm bracelet, and the light bulb turned on, which is where the pictures under the missing puzzle pieces came from.

The next issue was the positioning of the infinity symbol itself. Normally the infinity symbol is orientated horizontally, but that left too much blank space on the cover, so we turned it. Turning it, to me, kind of represented how Candice’s world had shifted.

Then as you see in the book with the chapter headers, the puzzle becomes filled in as Candice gets to know her family, which is why the back cover is a completed puzzle. The puzzle pieces, along with the colored background, also represent another sub‑storyline in through infinity.

Overall, the cover has been well received. I find that those who didn’t like it before they read the book, love it once they’ve finished. Choosing not to put a ‘standard’ cover on it was a risk, but I wanted the cover to really represent the story, and story isn’t about sex, although there’s chemistry.

Nathan with Nate’s Art did the final cover. He did a great job of turning my vision into reality.

9. Do you have a special time of the day you like to write?

I would probably write more at night if I could, but my early morning alarm clocks don’t cooperate with that schedule.

10. What has been the hardest thing about writing?

Writing wasn’t hard. Writing something that was coherent that people would want to read was hard. It’s everything that comes after writing that’s hard.

11. Will there be a follow up book to through infinity?

There will be one more book and a novella for the Woodruffs. Jason’s POV will be told in & beyond… There will be scenes that the reader didn’t get in through infinity. Jason had his own struggles that weren’t shown in through infinity. That was a conscious decision on my part, because I felt that the reader wouldn’t empathize as much with Candice and how lost she felt if they had all of the same knowledge Jason had.

SPOILER ALERT: Candice and Jason are together and they will stay that way, so I can’t imagine another story for them.

12. Do you have any writing rituals?

Nope. Not one. Maybe I need some.

13. What other projects do you have for the New Year?

Reft- a completely new book

& beyond… - Jason’s POV

DamN – a standalone novel

Love Defying

14. Coffee, Tea, or Soda?

Dr. Pepper and occasionally a Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce or Gingerbread Latter.

15. Jason Woodruff, Candice's husband in through infinity, I fell in love with him and the reviews from other readers all say how much they loved him. Did you realize that he was going to mean so much to your readers?

I would say I was hopeful. He’s very open about what he feels, and he’s loyal. Those are characteristics my husband has and I fell in love with him, so I guess I can understand falling in love with Jason. He’s what I would want if what happened to Candice happened to me.

16. You’re a new author, can you give any advice to others who are just starting out?

Hire an editor. Invest in your project, but be realistic about its potential. Be personable and understanding. Everybody has lives, and most blogs and readers are inundated with request to read books. It’s a slow process. Keep writing. Write, write, write, and write some more.

Infinity_cover_nobleedAbout through infinity:

Candice and Jason Woodruff had everything going for them: a strong marriage, the family they’d dreamed of, and successful businesses. When they made their wedding vows, they promised to love each other through infinity and beyond…but Candice doesn’t remember making that vow. Candice doesn’t remember the last eighteen years.
After a medical emergency, Candice awakens to find herself a married mother of four. She’s surrounded by a loving family of strangers, but Candice struggles to claim an identity while learning to be a wife and mother.
Candice is no longer the same woman Jason fell in love with all those years ago. Can they learn to love each other in this new reality?
Through Infinity is one woman’s journey as she rediscovers the love of her husband and children. But will that new found love be strong enough to carry them through infinity and beyond… 

GoodreadsAmazon | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Inktera  | Google Play | Google Books  

through infinity is only .99 cents for a limited time! 

About thanks for the memories:

Jason knew Candice's biggest Christmas wish was to remember the past eighteen years. As Thanksgiving approached, Candice retreated further within herself. Jason enlisted the help of their family and friends to grant Candice's wish. Each shared their cherished memories and placed them in a tin. Surprised to find the collection of tins, she couldn’t help but wonder what was inside.

With each memory, Candice felt a little more connected to the life and people she’d forgotten in the wake of her accident. Each one brought a sense of fulfillment and longing. When Christmas day arrived, would Candice be able to say thanks for the memories?

Grab thanks for the memories for FREE at Libby's website! 

About the Author: One day some words came to mind, so I wrote them down. Soon the words became sentences, which formed paragraphs, which, in turn, formed chapters. Before long, those words had become a book.

When I'm not reading or writing, I'm a wife, mother, and business owner. I've lived on the Gulf, East, and West Coasts, but as a born and raised Southern girl, my favorite will always be the Gulf Coast. There's just no place like home...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

In for the Kill by Shannon McKenna: $20 GC Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for IN FOR THE KILL by Shannon McKenna, a romantic suspense from Kensington Press. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


Years ago, the McClouds and their friends rescued little Sveti Ardova from ruthless organ traffickers. Now she’s all grown up, and getting into some scorching trouble of her own . . .


The risks ex-cop Sam Petrie has taken have turned his life into a train wreck. So he has nothing to lose by doubling down as the elusive Svetlana Ardova’s unwanted bodyguard on her ill-advised trip to Italy. Her crusade against modern slavery has blazoned a bullseye on her chest, but when one of the death threats against her almost hits the mark, Sam’s protective instincts go into overdrive. Every lethal obstacle and trap they encounter ups the stakes—and the undeniable heat between them.

Now they’re spiraling in on a deadly and explosive secret—one that could either redeem them or destroy them … and the closer they get, the shorter the fuse …

Praise for Shannon McKenna

"The McCloud series is an auto buy for me." --Maya Banks

"McKenna writes intense, sensual stories." --The B&N Review

"Shannon McKenna makes the pulse pound." –BookPage


"I watch the news, Sveti," he said patiently. "I'm a cop. I have friends. I hear things. Plus, you live-streamed, blogged and tweeted the whole thing to a hundred and twenty thousand followers."

"And you are one of them, now? Spying on me?"

He plowed right on past that one, there being no point. "Sneaking into that place with a live video camera on you was suicidal. You should have just passed the tip onto the police, and let them deal with it."

Her chin tilted up. "There were thirty-four trafficked Chinese nationals locked in there, slaving eighteen hours a day! I saw my chance, and took it! People have to see for themselves. It's the only thing that makes it real for them! That's what pulls in the donations!"

"You can't help anyone if you're dead," he pointed out. "But never mind that now. Just tell me about the death threats."

"It was just a letter," she said, defensive. "Hand delivered. It said they were going to kill me. That's all. Nothing came of it."


She shook it off. "Months ago, now."

"So why aren't you guarded twenty-four seven?" he snarled.

"I was! For months! Finally I put my foot down, because it was absurd, Sam. I can't live my life like that. Don't worry! It's covered!"

Covered, his ass. But he knew a dead-end conversation when he heard one. He had lots of practice. Those were a Petrie family hobby.

"Fine," he said. "On to the next item that's not my business."

Her eyes dilated. He wished he had the super-senses they said Miles had now. His heart pounded too hard to hear hers, certainly at that distance. He started to close that distance, and she skittered back a pace. It took all his willpower to stay motionless, leaving none to hold back the incredibly ill-advised question. "If you don't want to talk about death threats, then tell me about your love life."

Her mouth tightened. "I would rather not."

"Tell me about loverboy. How long have you been seeing him?"

"You mean Josh? I've known him ever since Nick rescued me from Zhoglo. He's a good friend."

"Define 'friend," he said. "Does it mean, free to fondle your ass?"

The chin tilted up a notch. "You're being invasive."

"Yeah? Would you feel invaded to learn that he's hitting on two girls on the catering staff, in between groping slow-dances with you?"

Her gaze dropped, but she did not look as startled or upset about that revelation as she ought to. "You have no right to judge."

"Wrong," he informed her. "That ten minutes in Ranieri's home office two years ago. No matter how long ago, no matter how you've ignored me since then, that ten minutes gives me the right to give a shit. Tell me about Cattrell. Are you fucking him?"

"No!" The denial popped out, vehement and breathless.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Shannon McKenna is the NYT bestselling author of over ten action packed, turbocharged romantic thrillers, among which are the stories of the wildly popular McCloud series. She loves tough and heroic alpha males, heroines with the brains and guts to match them, villains who challenge them to their utmost, adventure, scorching sensuality, and most of all, the redemptive power of true love. Since she was small she has loved abandoning herself to the magic of a good book, and her fond childhood fantasy was that writing would be just like that, but with the added benefit of being able to take credit for the story at the end. Alas, the alchemy of writing turned out to be messier than she'd ever dreamed. But what the hell, she loves it anyway, and hopes that readers enjoy the results of her alchemical experiments. She loves to hear from her readers.

Contact her at her website,, or join the newsletter by signing up here:

Connect with Shannon:




Additional info about the book:

Publisher: Kensington Books

Print Length: 416 pages

Publication Date: January 27, 2015

Buy Links:


Amazon print:


B&N print:


Book Depository:

Google Play:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 23, 2015

Quilts of Love (QOL) | A Stitch in Crime by Cathy Elliott

Don’t miss the newest Quilts of Love book, A Stitch in Crime by Cathy Elliott. Thea's first quilt show begins to fall apart at the seams. Will she be able to piece the mystery together and save the town’s investment in the quilt show before another attack happens . . . with far worse results.
Enter to win a Kindle HDX! 

One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle HDX
  • A Stitch in Crime by Cathy Elliott
  • Masterpiece Marriage by Gina Welborn
  • Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton and Cindy Loven

Enter today by clicking the button below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on February 8th. Winner will be announced on the Quilts of Love blog February 9th.


This is a great giveaway bundle! Enter today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jeremy's Promise by A.R. Talley: $50 Book Blast

Jeremy's Promise Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Jeremy's Promise by A.R. Talley (contemporary romance).

The trip that was meant to save Annie and Jeremy’s marriage brought it to near ruin. Now Annie has returned home, frightened and confused. Jeremy, too, is frightened—and angry. What will it take to save their marriage? It’s clear. Jeremy needs to forgive—Annie needs to forget. A promise is made. A tragedy occurs. A second honeymoon is disrupted. A chance encounter brings David Andrews back into Annie’s life. Annie is determined to remain faithful. She’s made a promise she intends to keep—Jeremy’s Promise.

Praise for Jeremy's Promise 

A.R. Talley, gives you a believable look at the struggle of one couple to reconnect and heal their marriage, with dialog which sweeps you into the moment as if you were there with them, experiencing both their pain and recovery. Kudos to the author who has once again produced a book I couldn't put down, as well as one I felt compelled to read multiple times. ~Donna Dech Jeremy's Promise second book in a trilogy by A.R. Talley is an awesome, emotional, romantic, highly recommended, well written story with captivating and engaging characters. ~Debbie Ballard This is not a book I would have picked by myself! I loved it from start to finish! Eagerly waiting for the third book in the trilogy to come out!! I highly recommend this book! ~Goodreads

April Author A.R. Talley 

A. R. Talley lives in Ohio with her husband Doug and the last of her seven children (the rest have flown the coup.) She loves to cook, read, write, watch movies, play piano, and laugh. Her second favorite vacation involves the British Isles and a small café in Scotland.

Jeremy's Promise (1) 

Blog Tour Schedule


$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 

Ends 2/15/15

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 16, 2015

Please join me in taking UTx Jazz Appreciation!

I'll be taking the UTx Jazz Appreciation online course for free via edX and The University of Texas at Austin. It starts January 20th and lasts for ten weeks. No prior musical experience is required.

I became interested in jazz after watching Ken Burns' Jazz series on PBS. So I was really excited to hear about this course. How often can you get free instruction from an expert?

I'll be discussing some jazz-related movies and books on the blog during this course. Do you have any favorites? Recommendations are welcome!

From the edX website: Jazz Appreciation

Listen and learn about the artists, eras, and musical methods that make jazz a great original art form.

About this Course

Louis Armstrong. Charlie Parker. John Coltrane. You’ve heard their names, but do you know what makes them great? In Jazz Appreciation, you will learn what these artists and many others contributed to America’s great original art form, revered the world over for its innovation and creativity. Jazz emerged during a time of tremendous change and upheaval in American society; this course will also discuss how its evolution both reflected and contributed to those changes.

Much more than a lecture series, Jazz Appreciation weaves in musical performances and examples that will deepen your understanding of the musical process and develop your ability to identify and analyze different jazz eras and great jazz soloists. It also incorporates cutting-edge adaptive learning technology that will allow you to practice your new knowledge and skills, at your own pace, until you reach mastery.

Join this course to enhance your enjoyment of jazz by developing an informed understanding and deep appreciation of the art.

Before, during, and after the course, check out the official Facebook page for announcements and discussions, at

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Passing Through Perfect by Bette Lee Crosby: $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Passing through Perfect by Bette Lee Crosby (historical fiction).

Passing Through Perfect
It’s 1946. The war is over. Millions of American soldiers are coming home and Benjamin Church is one of them. After four years of being away he thought things in Alabama would have changed, but they haven’t. Grinder’s Corner is as it’s always been—a hardscrabble burp in the road. It’s not much, but it’s home. When Benjamin attends a harvest festival in Twin Pines, he catches sight of Delia. Before their first dance ends, he knows for certain she’s the one. They fall madly in love; happily, impatiently, imprudently, in love. It doesn’t matter that her daddy is staunchly opposed to the thought of his daughter marrying a cotton farmer, never mind a poor one. It’s true Benjamin has little to offer; he’s a sharecropper who will spend his whole life sweating and slaving to do little more than put food on the table. But that’s how things are in Alabama. Benjamin is better off than most; he has a wife, a boy he adores, and a house that doesn’t leak rain. Yes, Benjamin considers himself a lucky man until the fateful night that changes everything.  

Reviewer Praise

Passing Through Perfect is not the kind of novel that excels in pat answers, simple characters, and calm progressive events - and this is evident from the first paragraph, which opens with a punch and keeps on emotionally slugging… Southern fiction writing at its best: spiritually infused, warm, and family-oriented...” Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan’s Shelf

“A heartwarming tale that shows both the good and bad found in mankind… Highly Recommended to those who enjoy historical fiction.” Inspired Kathy, I am a Reader

"Author Bette Lee Crosby’s characters take on heartbreak and oppression with dignity, courage, and a shaken but strong faith in a better tomorrow" Indie Reader

"An uplifting story of family, love, kindness and hope, despite some people’s less than commendable behavior and attitudes.” Between the Lines


"When the heart of a man gets pulled loose he starts dying. I started dying a year ago, and I’m still working on it. I ain’t going all at once; I’m going piece by piece." "The sheriff recognized Benjamin. He’d done work for Missus Haledon, and he’d done a good job. He painted their back fence and repaired a broken window in the storage shed. He was blacker than most but known for being polite, unlike the smart-mouthed coloreds who lived on the far side of Bakerstown." "As he sat at the kitchen table and drank a glass of sweet tea with his daddy, her ghost slid in alongside of them. It was a sadness neither of them wanted to speak of."

 add to goodreads


Author Bette Lee Crosby

Award-winning novelist Bette Lee Crosby shares the storytelling charm of her Southern Mama in tales that are both heartrending and heartwarming. She is best known for her creation of characters that readers find unforgettable. Passing through Perfect is Crosby’s tenth novel and the third book in the Wyattsville Series that began with the USA Today Bestseller Spare Change. Her work was first recognized in 2006 when she received The National League of American Pen Women Award for a then unpublished manuscript. Since then, she has gone on to win another twenty literary awards, including the Royal Palm Literary Award, the Reviewer’s Choice Award, the FPA President’s Book Award Gold Medal and the 2014 Reader’s Favorite Gold Medal.

Website * Facebook * Twitter


$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 

Ends 2/6/15

pen only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How I Fly - How I Fall by Anne Eliot: $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for How I Fall/How I Fly, a two-book young adult romance series by the bestselling author of Almost and Unmaking Hunter Kennedy.

How I fly

How I Fall by Anne Eliot 


Impossible because she’s Ellen Foster. The beautiful, smart, and possibly fragile photography-girl. You’re Cam Campbell. The guy who plays football 24/7 with no life. But what if during junior year, you decide to finally try for her phone number—until this glitter-crazed new girl ruins your plan. Worse, the girl is Irish, awkward, and insists you and Ellen should become best friends—with her! Only, you don’t want to be friends with a human tornado, and you think Ellen might need to stay a crush. This is because after one interaction you’ve discovered Ellen Foster really is fragile. Your problems and secrets are too big for anyone to understand.


But what if the three of you wind up assigned to a group photography project, where rumors are already circling about the new girl being ridiculous? You know she’s nice but very alone, so you convince your crush to help protect the new girl. Suddenly, working on the project makes hanging out, texting, talking—and even high school—seem fun and completely normal when it’s anything but normal.


What if you kiss Ellen Foster and it’s perfect enough to make you believe in things you shouldn’t. You tell her secrets and share your dreams. You make the kinds of promises and create plans to be together that might be impossible to keep when you’re only sixteen and your parents control your entire future, but... WHAT IF YOU HURT HER?


Praise for How I Fall 

"How I Fall captures exactly how a high school crush feels. You can have endless long days—days that feel exactly the same—and then in one moment a little thing changes, a conversation finally happens, and suddenly there’s a new friend group formed where relationships are suddenly ‘on’! I loved this book (How I Fall) and I’ve already read the sequel, How I Fly as ARC. You will laugh, you will cry and you will fall so in love with Ellen and Cam’s story.” ~Becca H. Teen book blogger.

“Anne Eliot writes the sweetest first kisses. She also does those book boyfriends you can’t get out of your head. Cam Campbell in How I Fall doesn’t disappoint, nor does the awesome first kiss.” ~Judith, I Love YA Fiction, Blog

HOw I fall How I Fly by Anne Eliot 


Over six months after an accident that broke her legs as well as removed her boyfriend from her life—because Cam Campbell left town and dumped her—high school senior, Ellen Foster, wants to move past her broken heart. She’s off to attend a summer photography workshop at a real university along with her best friends. Ellen’s determined to find a new love—or at least a summer boyfriend. In the dorm, she meets Harrison Shaw. He’s a handsome photography student, a charmer who likes her, and a perfect way to forget her past.


Ellen thinks she has everything she wants. Her summer program couldn’t be better. She’s half in love with Harrison Shaw, and she’s going after her next scholarship. But when she kisses Harrison, she can only remember how Cam Campbell used kiss her better, sweeter, and how he used to make her feel like she could fly… *WHAT IF SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT...?* When Cam shows up at the university it’s a shock, especially to Ellen’s new boyfriend. Cam’s distant, different and very afraid to hurt Ellen again. He asks Ellen if they could be friends despite the past and how they’ve both changed and Ellen agrees. But after all they’ve been through, can Cam and Ellen ever be just friends?

*WHAT IF...?*


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Anne Eliot

Author Anne Eliot  

Anne Eliot is the author of the, How I Fall/How I Fly two book series, and bestselling, young adult teen issue romances, Almost and Unmaking Hunter Kennedy. She loves writing about teens who live outside the ordinary and she's devoted to stories about teens who live outside the ordinary but who also get to find sweet first kisses and first loves. Anne resides in Colorado with a very patient husband, two teens of her own whom she adores (an some teens near and far thanks to hosting many exchange students) who are all growing up too fast.

Website * Twitter * Facebook * Tumblr


$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 2/6/15

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 9, 2015

Release Day Event: The Devil's Tombstone by Carolyn J. Rose


Today we are celebrating the release of The Devil's Tombstone by Carolyn J. Rose, A Catskills Mountains Mystery. This is the third book in this mystery series and just released December 21st. I am bummed that I don't live in the Carolyn's area. I'd like to attend the live book celebrationevent. See the deets below.

About the Book:
The Devil's Tombstone The Catskill Mountains are rich in folklore, legends, and tales of the supernatural. Once guided by ghosts, Dan Stone doesn’t disbelieve what can’t be explained. And there’s no logical reason for the patch of blighted ground beside a boulder near Hemlock Lake . Known as the Devil’s Tombstone , the rock marks the spot where, two centuries earlier, a man murdered his young wife and then disappeared.

As a part-time investigator assigned to cold cases, Dan is troubled by more recent deaths and disappearances. Reviewing files dating back two decades, he sets out to discover new leads. But it’s slow going. A massive snowstorm socks the mountains. Dan’s infant son disrupts his sleep. And dynamic preacher Wesley Falton pitches his revival tent, challenging Hemlock Lake traditions and the spiritual leadership of Reverend James Balforth. As Dan digs deeper into the past, he suspects his cold cases are linked to a fresh murder. When hard evidence eludes him, he appeals for help from beyond the grave. As he does, he wonders whether ghosts make their presence felt because we believe in them, or because they believe in us.
The answer may lie at the Devil’s Tombstone.

Purchase at Amazon.


About the Author:


DSC_1223Carolyn J. Rose grew up in New York's Catskill Mountains, graduated from the University of Arizona, logged two years in Arkansas with Volunteers in Service to America, and spent 25 years as a television news researcher, writer, producer, and assignment editor in Arkansas, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington. She lives in Vancouver, Washington, and her interests are reading, gardening, swimming, and NOT cooking. Find out more about her and her books at

 Make sure to check out the first two books!

Hemlock Lake


Through a Yellow Wood for Smashwords


Join us for a live event!

If you live in the PNW (Portland Oregon/Vancouver Washington) area join us for a book celebration for The Devil's Tombstone by Carolyn J. Rose and Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander January 31st 1-3 pm at Vintage Books at 6613 E. Mill Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA 98661. We will also have giveaways with gift cards, baking supplies and books! 

Killers and Cozies—From serial killers stalking their victims in the deep words to a cozy murder at a family bakeshop, come join two Pacific Northwest authors as they chat about crime writing.


$25 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Ends Jan. 14, 2015

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

THE MISSING PLANETS by Hawk MacKinney: Book Review and $25 GC Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book review tour for The Missing Planets: Vol. II of The Cairns of Sainctuarie series by Hawk MacKinney, a science fiction novel available now from Sage Words Publishing. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


Planet Terato has become a member of the assembly of the Confederated League of Allied Star Systems. The Murian Outpost Terato once commanded by His Imperial Majesty’s Lord High Chamberlain Herklo Korvo XXXIV is now Teratoan staffed and under the command of Teratoan Eklam a’Qoc.

From the uncharted reaches between galaxies, attacks of extraordinary weaponry come against Terato and the Myr worlds of the Murians. Terminus Terato’s expanded link-portals and converter power modules are virtually useless. Power loss, defenses, communications and travel are totally disrupted. High Chamberlain Korvo’s unexpected return to Terminus on a mission for His Imperial Majesty leaves him stranded on Terato. Attacks grow more massive, more unpredictable; spread across the worlds of the League, as an isolated Terminus struggles among the shattered rubble and whispering remains of an ancient Polity of star-walkers.

Family and friends are lost, empires and civilizations in disarray, Terminus and Planet Terato almost defenseless. Desperate for answers, their worlds being overwhelmed by this remorseless aggressor, Eklam and Korvo reach across unexplored space in a despairing gamble and the last reserves of converter star-substrate, seeking one insignificant star system of gas giants and rocky inner planets for possible relics of the elusive Lantaraan Polity.


The setting of Terato’s two suns at the end of that day stopped his short boyhood and started another life. At the graves of his parents, filled with grief, he wanted to look his grown-up best; show respect for his parents. Before dawnlit that morning he’d shaved for the first time with his father’s stropped blade, the way a man shaved. There had been a few blood-smeared nicks. He’d stopped with half of his face unshaved; looked at his reflection. He wasn’t yet old enough to have a voice in the village debates, but from that point on he would follow his parents’ guidance; honor their care for him; make his own decisions. Keep them to himself if he could, but his life would be his. Whether he shaved or not, Uncle a’Qoc would continue to treat him like a kid. Uncle a’Qoc could be gruff and strict. It was his uncle’s way. Uncle a’Qoc was never purposely unkind, just set in his ways. He didn’t want to disrespect Uncle a’Qoc. In the emptiness of death, families of the close-knit rustic farming hamlet of a’Qoc gathered to console this rangy, long-limbed youth the only way they could. The pestilence had taken many. That night Eklam a’Qoc slept in the bed he’d slept in his whole life, in an empty, echo-filled house his father had built, now no longer a home. Uncle a’Qoc would bargain it to strangers he’d never met, a young family with a new baby girl.



As with The Bleikovat Event (volume one in The Cairns of Santuarie series), MacKinney excels in building a world that is unique and filled with intrigue for The Missing Planets. The Missing Planets is a true science fiction novel that doesn't make for fast reading, but is definitely enjoyable. 

I especially enjoyed the relationship between Eklam and Korvo. Their struggle to find answers and solutions kept me on my reading toes to the very end. There are a lot of world-specific terms and science-related discussions. I found the glossary to be very helpful in bridging brief gaps in my understanding.

The Missing Planets offers complex world building, well-researched issues, and lots of action. I found myself plotting movie scenes as I read the book. While the majority of its fans will likely be science fiction lovers, I think that The Missing Planets has appeal for sci-fantasy readers as well.

The Missing Planets is the second volume in The Cairns of Santuarie series, but can be read as a standalone. The events of volume two happen some years after the events of volume one. If you like to know the whole story, like me, I'd recommend reading The Bleikovat Event as well. You can see my review of it here.

NOTE: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

With postgraduate degrees and faculty appointments in several medical universities, Hawk MacKinney has taught graduate courses in both the United States and Jerusalem. In addition to professional articles and texts on chordate neuroembryology, Hawk has authored several works of fiction.

Hawk began writing mysteries for his school newspaper. His works of fiction, historical love stories, science fiction and mystery-thrillers are not genre-centered, but plot-character driven, and reflect his southwest upbringing in Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma. Moccasin Trace, a historical novel nominated for the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award, details the family bloodlines of his serial protagonist in the Craige Ingram Mystery Series. Vault of Secrets, the first book in the Ingram series, was followed by Nymrod Resurrection, Blood and Gold, and The Lady of Corpsewood Manor. All have received national attention. Walking the Pet is Hawk’s latest release in the Ingram series. The first book in another mystery-thriller series is scheduled for release in 2015. The Bleikovat Event, the first volume in The Cairns of Sainctuarie science fiction series, was released in 2012. Its sequel, The Missing Planets, has just been released.




Book Trailers

The Bleikovat Event:

Moccasin Trace:

The Missing Planets:


The books are available at:


Hawk will be awarding a $25 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour via Rafflecopter

a Rafflecopter giveaway

MY TURN - ACHIEVING THE AMERICAN DREAM by Jonathan Williams: $20 GC Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the tour for MY TURN - ACHIEVING THE AMERICAN DREAM by Jonathan Williams, a literary fiction story available now.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jonathan will be awarding $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Silicon Valley is home to several large Technology and Pharmaceutical \ Biotech corporations. Chris moved to this area in early 2000. He has been handling data for prestigious companies for well over ten years. His work ethic and morals have kept him employed. During his tenure at a Fortune 100 company, he is offered a position at a small Biotech. It is not too long after taking this new position that he is promoted to Management. The IT Directory who Chris reports to gives him the choice of playing the corporate game or getting fired. Chris must either choose being ethical and getting fired or keeping his job by being unethical. After much thought, he realizes that honesty and integrity have kept him from achieving the American dream. Tired of living paycheck to paycheck he decides to play the corporate game. This decision will not only affect his professional life but his personal life as well.

Enjoy an excerpt:

As time progresses, Chris comes to the realization that the real drug war is not south of the border but on Wall Street. The real money is won on American soil not on Colombian or Mexican soil like so many people think. Millionaires and billionaires are born in this industry.

About the Author: Jonathan Williams has worked in Information Technology for over twenty years. He has spent most of his career working in the Financial and Pharmaceutical \ Biotech sectors. He specializes in Database Management Systems.

Buy the book at Amazon or Barnes and Noble Currently FREE on

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cover Reveal: Garden by Jane Yates

Welcome to the cover reveal for Garden by Jane Yates! Garden is a middle grade steampunk that releases in February 2015 by Autumn Orchard. That's right. Middle. Grade. Steampunk.

How awesome and unusual is that?

About the Book:

Inspired by the classic novel The Secret Garden, Jane Yates introduces us to a steampunk world of bio-domes, robots and mysteries. Eleven-year-old Aberdeen is so used to being by herself that all she has to fill her thoughts are stories of mighty dragons and grand castles. Aberdeen’s world is soon thrown into disarray however; her parents murdered.

Having no choice, Aberdeen is sent to live with her uncle back on Earth where her fascination into her new surroundings begin to take hold. Untrusting of new people at first, it isn’t long before Aberdeen comes across 3 other children, and taking a risk, befriends them as she tries to adjust to her new home. And yet, along with Maisy, Peter and Lenard, Aberdeen comes across a riddle – a set of clues to reveal the hiding place of a lost manuscript. A manuscript that forces more questions than answers.

Oh, and there’s Frank too, Peter’s robot dog, who completes this special circle of friendship.

Garden is a journey of self-discovery, of trials and friendship. With adventure boundless, Jane Yates follows up her acclaimed Paradox Child trilogy with a new tale for young fans of steampunk and science fiction.

Book Trailer:

About the Author:
Jane lives in the historic city of Oxford, England with her two spaniels. She works at the Pitt Rivers
museum there too and is amazed and inspired by its wondrous array of objects. Being a museum of anthropology and world archaeology, Jane often finds herself influenced by its exhibitions. And indeed it has helped Jane write a trilogy for children – the Paradox Child series.

Jane is not only a mother, artist and storyteller, but dyslexic too, which only highlights her success even more. Jane refuses to allow the disorder to halt her dreams and continues to enjoy her favourite hobbies. Jane is a lover of steampunk, adventure and children’s stories, which often play a huge role in her own books.
Facebook | Twitter (JYparadoxchild) | Goodreads

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Quilts of Love | MASTERPIECE MARRIAGE – Kindle Giveaway!

Don’t miss the newest Quilts of Love book, Masterpiece Marriage by Gina Welborn. December’s QOL release celebrates the ebb and flow of marriage. Enter to win a Kindle HDX!


One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • Masterpiece Marriage by Gina Welborn
  • Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton and Cindy Loven
  • Quilted by Christmas by Jodie Bailey

Enter today by clicking the button below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on January 18th. Winner will be announced on the Quilts of Love blog January 19th.


Enter today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.



Have your read any books in the Quilts of Love series?

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Odyssey Adventure Club Celebrates Their First Birthday


Did you make any resolutions or goals this year? Perhaps you made personal resolutions, or maybe your goals are family-focused. If one of your goals is to find your kids or grandkids a safe place online to have fun and to learn more about biblical truth, consider that checked off your to-do list! The Odyssey Adventure Club is celebrating their first birthday, and to celebrate, they're offering a special promotion!

The Odyssey Adventure Club is a safe, fun environment where children can explore, create and imagine, all while developing their faith—the perfect platform for your kids to explore while they're stuck inside this winter.

Anyone who signs up during January (promo code: BIRTHDAY) will not only receive their first month for only $5, but they will also get three Last Chance Detective audio dramas and an Odyssey Adventure Club post signed by cast and crew members.

Members receive:
—24/7 streaming access to more than 750 Adventures in Odyssey episodes (a $1500 retail value).
—A new, members-only Adventures in Odyssey episode every month.
—A subscription to Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse Magazine.
—A web quest of video stories and online activities reflecting the biblical theme of that month's episode.
—On-the-go access with the OAClub mobile iOS app.
—Growing access to Odyssey books, a daily devotion, access to select Radio Theatre dramas and more.

In the coming months, members will also be able to look forward to:
—An exclusive, downloadable, cut-and-fold Odyssey character craft.
—In February, members can sneak a peek at the second Candid Conversations with Connie book. 

Additionally, a portion of each Odyssey Adventure Club membership benefits Focus on the Family partner organizations, such as Carry the Cure and Mission Aviation Fellowship, providing parents with an opportunity to teach children about the value of serving others. The Odyssey Adventure Club hopes to spend another 25 years hand-in-hand with parents seeking to teach biblical truth to their children while inspiring the theater of their imagination.

To learn more about the Odyssey Adventure Club, visit, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.