
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cover Reveal for Breaker by Emma Raveling

CoverReveal_July31 (1)

This is the cover reveal for Breaker by Emma Raveling, the fourth book in the Ondine Quartet, an upper Young Adult Urban Fantasy series. 


War. Prophecy. Freedom.

She fought for herself. She fought for friendship and love. Now, Kendra Irisavie fights for the survival of her world.

War rages on, leaving no one untouched. Destruction rips through elemental communities and terror flourishes in its wake. Suspicion soars, order fractures, and loyalties crumble despite Kendra’s desperate attempts to protect everyone she holds dear.

 When an organized Aquidae army launches a series of merciless assaults, Kendra and her friends set out to end the bloodshed once and for all. With the fate of elementals hanging in balance, the Shadow and sondaleur hunt each other down in a brutal match of cunning and will.

 Kendra has trained for this her entire life. But in a ravaged world where trust is scarce and no life is sacred, she soon realizes her battle may be against an invincible enemy and that her darkest days lie ahead.

 Twists and turns shape her harrowing odyssey, leading to a stunning climax that challenges everything she believes in.

 Torn between destiny and autonomy, Kendra must finally decide whether the cost of freedom is too high.

 Heartbreaking decisions, turbulent alliances, and shattering revelations collide in Breaker, the
explosive conclusion to the Ondine Quartet.

Tell us about the covers in this series.

The main novels of the Ondine Quartet (Whirl, Billow,Crest, Breaker) have conceptual covers. Each cover’s imagery captures a particular theme or motif in the book, and the coloring conveys a sense of the story’s mood and emotional arc.

The shorter works/novellas in the series (Ondine,Chevalier, and Warrior Prince) are essentially character portraits and are told through the eyes of different characters in the series. Those covers use models.

The goal for Breaker’s cover was to visually convey high stakes, explosive energy, and a brilliant, sharp intensity.This is the epic finale to the series and everything that has happened in previous books has led to this moment.

Out of all the covers in the series, this one took the most amount of work. My designer and I went back and forth multiple times, going through several drastically different versions before finally arriving at the right
imagery and coloring.

How does it feel to end a series?

It’s bittersweet. A part of me is thrilled to share the end of Kendra’s journey with readers. I’ve had the entire series planned since the very beginning so finally releasing what’s been in my head is a relief.

But the process of writing this final book has been a highly emotional one. There’s a personal attachment to the work itself. I’ve spent countless hours thinking and living with these characters and with this world over the past four years. It’s difficult to bring not only Kendra’s story, but my journey with her story,to an end.

A few easy questions:

Top 3 books?

Only 3?? Argh! There are so many books I love for different reasons and my list of favorites is always changing, depending on what’s going on in my life. Right now, if I had to name three, they’d be:

1. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

2. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

3. And of course, the Harry Potter series

Top 5 movies?

1. Aviator

2. Mulholland Drive

3. The Matrix

4. The Breakfast Club

5. Okay, I couldn’t just pick five. So the last one is a tie between The Usual Suspects, Reservoir Dogs, Star Wars (ep. 4-6), and Catch Me If You Can.

Top 5 places in the world you enjoy visiting?
1. New York City
2. Tokyo
3. Paris
4. Kauai Island (Hawaii)
5. Berlin

Top 5 foods?
1. Fresh basil pesto – I’ll add this on anything
2. Sashimi (Japanese-style raw fish)
3. Dark chocolate
4. Jamón ibérico (Spanish ham)
5. And my terrible guilty pleasure: pizza

Author Bio:

Emma Raveling writes a wide variety of fiction for teens and adults. Hopelessly addicted to coffee and diet coke, she is the author of the Ondine Quartet and Chancer young adult series, and is currently working on the first book in her new Steel Magic series for adults.

 Previous Novels:


Previous Novellas:


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Cover Reveal for Cinder & Ella (Teaser & Giveaway)

Kelly Oram has a new book coming out. YAY! If you haven't heard, it's a YA/NA contemporary retelling of Cinderella. The new adult classification is due mostly to character ages and life situations. It is a clean book with very mild swearing and mild sexual humor. PG-13. There is no mature content.

It’s been almost a year since eighteen-year-old Ella Rodriguez was in a car accident that left her crippled, scarred, and without a mother. After a very difficult recovery, she’s been uprooted across the country and forced into the custody of a father that abandoned her when she was a young child. If Ella wants to escape her father’s home and her awful new stepfamily, she must convince her doctors that she’s capable, both physically and emotionally, of living on her own. The problem is, she’s not ready yet. The only way she can think of to start healing is by reconnecting with the one person left in the world who’s ever meant anything to her—her anonymous Internet best friend, Cinder. 


Hollywood sensation Brian Oliver has a reputation for being trouble. There’s major buzz around his performance in his upcoming film The Druid Prince, but his management team says he won’t make the transition from teen heartthrob to serious A-list actor unless he can prove he’s left his wild days behind and become a mature adult. In order to douse the flames on Brian’s bad-boy reputation, his management stages a fake engagement for him to his co-star Kaylee. Brian isn’t thrilled with the arrangement—or his fake fiancée—but decides he’ll suffer through it if it means he’ll get an Oscar nomination. Then a surprise email from an old Internet friend changes everything.

Teaser excerpt:
You do have someone who cares, he said softly. No matter how bad things are at home or at school or whatever, you have me. Youre my best friend, too. You have my number now. Save it in your phone and call it anytimeday, night, the witching hourit doesnt matter. Okay?
It took me a momentand a series of deep breathsbefore I could respond. Okay.
I promise. As long as I always have you, Ill be fine. I kicked myself internally and laughed. Wow, that sounded really cheesy. You see? Thats why I didnt want to call you. I can filter my stupid mouth so much better when I have to type out my thoughts.
Cinder laughed again. Ah, but then you would miss out on all the sweet nothings I plan to whisper in your ear now that I know how much you like my ultra-sexy voice.
I blushed but refused to let him know that his flirting rattled me. I never said ultra, you egomaniac. But you should definitely consider recording audiobooks for a living.
Hmm. Thats not a bad idea. Cinders voice dropped to that slow, seductive purr again as he asked, Would you like me to read to you, Ellamara?
I thrilled at the thought and couldnt quite mask my excitement. Seriously?
Why not? Before you called, I was getting ready to have a Top Gear marathon all by my lonesome.
You are such a liar. Tonight is Friday night, and its Halloween. There is no way you dont have plans.
I dont have important ones. Its just a stupid party that my sort-of girlfriend wants me to go to.
Your sort-of girlfriend?
Yeah. Cinder stretched the word out in a long breath. Its a long story, but Im not that into her. Id much rather stay home and read with you. Besides, I cant hang up on you when youve had the worst day ever. What kind of best friend would that make me?
I almost cried again. The offer was so sweet. And thoughtful. Reading was a passion Cinder and I shared. We read and discussed books all the time. Wed even decided to read the same book at the same time before, but wed never read one together. Cinder had to know how much that would mean to me.
It has to be The Druid Prince, I said.
Cinder laughed. Its already in my hands.

Look for Cinder & Ella October 1, 2014!


Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen–a fan fiction about her favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which family and friends still tease her. She's obsessed with reading, talks way too much, and loves to eat frosting by the spoonful. She lives outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and four children.


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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Let's Get Lost by Adi Alsaid (Book Trailer) #wanderlust

I like to read books about road trips in the summer. Let's Get Lost, Adi Alsaid's YA debut novel, is on my list to read.

It will be released next month from Harlequin Teen. Are you planning on reading it?


Book Description

Four teens across the country have only one thing in common: a girl named Leila. She crashes into their lives in her absurdly red car at the moment they need someone the most.

There’s Hudson, a small-town mechanic who is willing to throw away his dreams for true love. And Bree, a runaway who seizes every Tuesday—and a few stolen goods along the way. Elliot believes in happy endings…until his own life goes off-script. And Sonia worries that when she lost her boyfriend, she also lost the ability to love.

Hudson, Bree, Elliot and Sonia find a friend in Leila. And when Leila leaves them, their lives are forever changed. But it is during Leila’s own 4,268-mile journey that she discovers the most important truth—sometimes, what you need most is right where you started. And maybe the only way to find what you’re looking for is to get lost along the way.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Win a KitchenAid Mixer in Susan May Warren’s Hawaiian Chef Showdown!

Susan May Warren's newest book in the Christiansen Family Collection, When I Fall In Love,  has won over readers' and critics' hearts alike. With critical reviews like, ". . . an exquisite romance. Profoundly touching on the topic of facing fears, this book is a true gem," and more than 60 five-star reviews at Amazon, When I Fall in Love is sure to please.

Susan has teamed up with some amazing food bloggers for a fun food challenge and a KitchenAid Mixer giveaway!


One grand prize winner will receive:

Grab your aprons and wire whisks and buzz on over to the When I Fall in Love website to learn more and enter the Hawaiian Chef Showdown! Susan is challenging you to make a Hawaiian-inspired dish using coconut, mango, or one of the other ingredients mentioned in the book. You’ll get extra points for creating your own recipe—plus she might share it on the When I Fall in Love site! Or if you're not up for an adventure in the kitchen just click one of the icons below for easy entry.

Hurry, the giveaway ends on August 10th. All winners will be announced August 13th at Susan's blog.

 Don't miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit Susan's blog on the 13th to see if you won!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Son of War, Daughter of Chaos: $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Son of War, Daughter of Chaos by Janette Rallison, a YA fantasy novel.

Son of War Son of War, 

Daughter of Chaos 

Aislynn is accustomed to watching for the enemy. Her parents instructed her from the time she was young to look for the signs: people with greater than normal strength, eyes that can glow green, and have the ability to jump long distances. Over the years, Aislynn has come to view her parents’ fears as quirks—things that get in the way of having a normal high school life. When Aislynn’s mother dies under suspicious conditions, her father doubles his restrictions. But all his precautions can’t stop the boy with glowing green eyes from finding Aislynn. She realizes too late she’s been drafted into an ancient Egyptian war, whether she’s prepared or not.

Janette RallisonAuthor Janette Rallison 

Janette Rallison is old. Don’t ask how old, because it isn’t polite. Let’s just say she’s older than she’d like to be and leave it at that.

Janette lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, five children and enough cats to classify her as “an eccentric cat lady.” She did not do this on purpose. (The cats, that is; she had the children on purpose.) Every single one of the felines showed up on its own and refuses to leave. Not even the family’s fearless little Westie dog can drive them off.

Since Janette has five children and deadlines to write books, she doesn’t have much time left over for hobbies. But since this is the internet and you can’t actually check up to see if anything on this site is true, let’s just say she enjoys dancing, scuba diving, horse back riding and long talks with Orlando Bloom. (Well, I never said he answers back.)

  book blast button        

Blast Giveaway 

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 8/17/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, July 25, 2014

Uriel's Fall by Loralie Hall: $10 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Uriel's Fall by Loralie Hall, an urban fantasy released today from Acelette Press.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Loralie will be awarding $10 Amazon Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post. Please click on the banner to see the other stops on this tour.

Please note: This book is on sale for only $0.99 until August 8, 2014.

Ronnie has the job any entry-level angel or demon would sell their soul for—she's a retrieval analyst for the largest search engine in the world. Ubiquity is a joint initiative between heaven and hell. Because what better way to track all of humanity's secrets, both good and bad, than direct access to their web browsing habits.

She might appreciate the position a little more if a) she could remember anything about her life before she started working at Ubiquity, b) the damn voice in her head would just shut up already, and c) her boss wasn't a complete dickhead.

As she searches for solutions to the first two issues, and hopes the third will work itself out in performance reviews, she uncovers more petty backstabbing than an episode of Real Housewives, and a conspiracy as old as Lucifer's descent from heaven. On top of all that, if she forgets the cover sheet on her TPS report one more time, she's absolutely going on final written warning.

Now Ronnie’s struggling to keep her sanity and job, while stopping the voice in her head from stealing her life. She almost misses the boredom of data analysis at Ubiquity. Almost.

Enjoy an excerpt:

We must have sat there, me on the couch, and Michael on the floor, for at least half an hour, not saying anything else.

I finally broke the silence. “You need your rest.” I would have rather kept him there, but I couldn’t ask him to sit on the floor by me all night.

“Do you want a real bed to sleep in?” He stood and offered me his hand.

He didn’t mean…? No, he couldn’t. Maybe his bed? Light anticipation fluttered in my chest, rising above the horrors of the night. “I wouldn’t complain.”

“You can stay in the guest room.” He helped me to my feet.

I couldn’t ignore my disappointment, but I also wasn’t about to turn down the offer. I followed him to one of the doors, and he nudged it open. “You stay here as long as you need. Not just tonight, but until you find a new place. If you want to wash some of the dust off, there are clean towels in the bathroom, and you can snag something to wear from the drawers or closet.”

I glanced up at him, not able to talk myself out of wanting him. I forced the question out before I could take it back. “Will you help me?”

He furrowed his brow. “With…?”

I stepped closer, thumbs hooked in my belt loops, tugging down the waistband of my jeans. “Washing the dust off.”

I watched him through my eyelashes, trying to gauge his reaction. He hadn’t said yes, but he also hadn’t said no, turned me away, or left. With any luck I wasn’t about to humiliate myself.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Loralie Hall is a full time corporate geek and a fuller time writer. Her spouse is her muse and their cats are very much their children. When they’re not spending way too much time gaming, they’re making the world more good by vanquishing one fictional evil at a time.

Find Loralie Hall Online





Barnes and Noble:




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Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 2014 Kindle Fire HDX Giveaways!

HUZZAH! It's a Kindle Fire HDX Giveaway! Don't miss out!

Enter to win 1 of 2 great prizes both values at $229. Winner’s choice of a Kindle Fire HDX or $229 Amazon Gift Card or $229 Paypal Cash! The first prize is available via the rafflecopter below. The 2nd is available only to bloggers who post about this giveaway. You can find info on how to enter the 2nd giveaway in the rafflecopter.

 July Kindle  

Win a Kindle Fire HDX, Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash ($229 value)

The winner will have the option of receiving a 7" Kindle Fire HDX (US Only - $229 Value)
  Or $229 Gift Card (International)
  Or $229 in Paypal Cash (International)

Sponsors: I Am A Reader Feed Your Reader Author Claudia Burgoa Candace's Book Blog Melissa McClone, Author Author Alecia Stone Jennifer Laurens Author Jessabella Reads Townsend House Kelly Walker I Love to Read and Review Books :) A & E Kirk, Author Rachelle J. Christensen Hope To Read Kimber Leigh Writes Author Ednah Walters Author Inger Iversen Goddess Girls: Athena the Proud by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams Grimmtastic Girls: Cinderella Stays Late by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams (tween) YA Author Fabio Bueno Author Danielle Annett Buried Under Romance Barbara Silkstone, Second Act Cafe A Leisure Moment : A Casual Conversation about our love for Literature Donna Feyen - More Than A Review C.M. Brown Lori's Reading Corner Book Reviews And Giveaways Karen Ann Hopkins Amish Fiction Kimber's Life Author Ruchi B. Zharmae Publishing Press Luthando Coeur Biscuit & Books LOVE. WITHOUT YOU Just Jeanae Author - P.M. Richter Charlotte Gerber LeahSay's Views Too-Clever Author Melissa Lemon Laurie Here - Contemporary Fiction and MORE Author A. Wrighton Little Green Eyed Press Mom Loves 2 Read Lynda Raymond Author Elizabeth Parkinson Bellows Author Ann Swann Author Georgina Young-Ellis

Sign up to sponsor the next Kindle Giveaway here:    

Giveaway Details 1 winner will receive their choice of an all new Kindle Fire 7" HDX (US Only - $229 value), $229 Amazon Gift Card or $229 in Paypal Cash (International). There is a second separate giveaway for bloggers who post this giveaway on their blog. See details in the rafflecopter on how to enter to win the 2nd Kindle Fire HDX 7", $229 Amazon Gift Card or $229 in Paypal Cash. Ends 7/31/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the participating authors & bloggers. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

More Than Passion by JoMarie DeGioia: Super Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast for More Than Passion by JoMarie DeGioia, a Regency Romance available now from Lachesis Publishing. It is book one in the Dashing Nobles series.


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. JoMarie will be awarding winner's choice of an eBook from Lachesis Publishing to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter at the end of this post.

Please note: This book is available for FREE everywhere it's sold -- buy links are at the bottom of this post, so grab yourself a copy!

Geoffrey Kane, Earl of Kanewood refuses to feel anything more than passion. Four years ago, his fiancée betrayed him and he has no desire to experience that again so when he meets the beautiful Rebecca Kingsley, it’s passion at first sight. And only passion.

Rebecca has led a very quiet life working for her father at a small country inn. When she meets Geoffrey she falls in love with him right away. But she’s only the daughter of a baronet and men like Geoffrey never marry country girls like her. Do they?

When Rebecca’s father tries to marry her off to a wealthy old man, Geoffrey intervenes and marries her himself. He wants her very much but he couldn’t possibly love her. Love is for fools. At least that’s what he tells himself. But a sinister enemy soon threatens to destroy all that Geoffrey holds dear, forcing him to face the truth. His marriage depends on it . . . And maybe even Rebecca’s very life.

Now enjoy an excerpt:

Chapter 1
England, 1822

Geoffrey Michael Kane, the seventh Earl of Kanewood, was hot, dusty, and tired. At twenty-eight he was still adjusting to the duties thrust upon him with the death of his father two years earlier, making frequent trips to London to meet with his solicitors. Returning from one such meeting, his carriage hit a dip in the road and skidded to a halt.

“Where are we?” Geoffrey called to his driver.

“Rutlandshire, my lord. Not far from Oakham.”

Geoffrey climbed out of the leaning carriage. “Grab the wheel then, Fields. You and I are visiting Oakham today.”

After securing Geoffrey’s travel bag behind one of the saddles, they rode into Oakham. It was late June and the weather was hot and muggy. The ride was rough and with every new bump and stumble, Geoffrey swore under his breath. For the last hour, he dismounted and led his horse into town. He wore no hat, which was the norm for him, and the sun beat down on his head. He squinted and looked at his surroundings.

The town was quite small—a village, really—but picturesque. His sharp eyes noticed a dry goods establishment, a market, a pub, and even a doctor’s office. The shingle on the side of a two-story brick building proclaimed the medical man’s residence and place of business. Just past the outskirts of the town, Geoffrey spotted the only business he was interested in today. The wheelwright’s shop. The wheelwright shared his space with the blacksmith, and both businesses appeared to do well. Geoffrey snorted. No surprise, given the rutted cobblestone road that led through town.

He brushed off his clothes. There was nothing for it. His tan breeches were stained with wheel grease and his white shirt was crumpled and smudged. He retrieved his brown jacket from behind the saddle and saw it was in a sorry shape, as well. “I don’t much resemble the Earl of Kanewood, do I, Fields?”

Fields reddened before realizing no answer was expected. Geoffrey led his horse in front of the wheelwright’s shop as Fields dismounted and rolled the offending wheel to him.

Geoffrey spied a beefy man standing in the large doorway. “Are you the proprietor?”

“Aye. William Bennett, wheelwright. What can I do for ya?”

Standing there, with an obviously-broken wheel at his feet, Geoffrey bit back a sarcastic reply. “I need a wheel fixed. This wheel.”

Bennett fingered the splintered spokes. “Aye. It’s broken.”

Geoffrey kept his exasperation in check. “Can you fix it?” he asked deliberately.

“Aye. Nothin’ to it. Fix it right as rain.”

“Good.” Geoffrey breathed.

“Goin’ ta take a few days, though.”

“A few days? Why?”

Bennett held up his right hand, wrapped in a cloth bandage. “Got me hand a bit crushed fixin’ the doc’s trap. He told me not to use it till he says it’s okay.”

Geoffrey stared at the man incredulously. “There is no one else who could fix this?”

“Nay,” the man answered. “Not around here.”

Geoffrey’s irritation began to grow to anger, but with one look at the guileless face of the wheelwright, it swiftly faded. “Well, do you have someone to get my carriage out of the road? It’s about a twenty-minute’s ride back.”

“Aye, me boy and I’ll go get it. You be wantin’ it brought here?”

“Yes, thank you. Is there a place to keep my horses?”

“Blacksmith’s got a couple stalls. Wouldn’t put these fine animals there, though. You be stayin’ here till this be fixed?”

Geoffrey thought for a moment. Perhaps a few days away from London, as well as Kanewood, would help him ponder the disquieting news he’d received from his solicitors.

“Is there an inn close by?” he asked.

“Aye. Raven’s Inn, just outside of town. Stables to let in back, fine dinin’ room.” The wheelwright scratched his chubby chin. “Can’t attest to the rooms, but I can tell ya the ale is mighty fine.”

“Thank you.” Geoffrey motioned to his driver. “Let’s head over to this Raven’s Inn, Fields. It seems we may be here awhile.”

They mounted and set off for the inn.

I write Historical Romances with a touch of mystery and Contemporary Romances with a touch of home. I'm also working on a Young Adult Dystopian Fantasy/Adventure series and a hot Contemporary New Adult Romance.

I'm a member of Romance Writers of America, Space Coast Authors of Romance and From the Heart Romance Writers.





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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Son of War, Daughter of Chaos: $50 Book Blast

Son of War Son of War, Daughter of Chaos 

Aislynn is accustomed to watching for the enemy. Her parents instructed her from the time she was young to look for the signs: people with greater than normal strength, eyes that can glow green, and have the ability to jump long distances. Over the years, Aislynn has come to view her parents’ fears as quirks—things that get in the way of having a normal high school life. When Aislynn’s mother dies under suspicious conditions, her father doubles his restrictions. But all his precautions can’t stop the boy with glowing green eyes from finding Aislynn. She realizes too late she’s been drafted into an ancient Egyptian war, whether she’s prepared or not.

Son of War Daughter of Chaos Blog Tour 

Blog Tour Schedule

Janette RallisonAuthor Janette Rallison 

Janette Rallison is old. Don’t ask how old, because it isn’t polite. Let’s just say she’s older than she’d like to be and leave it at that. Janette lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, five children and enough cats to classify her as “an eccentric cat lady.” She did not do this on purpose. (The cats, that is; she had the children on purpose.) Every single one of the felines showed up on its own and refuses to leave. Not even the family’s fearless little Westie dog can drive them off. Since Janette has five children and deadlines to write books, she doesn’t have much time left over for hobbies. But since this is the internet and you can’t actually check up to see if anything on this site is true, let’s just say she enjoys dancing, scuba diving, horse back riding and long talks with Orlando Bloom. (Well, I never said he answers back.)

Website * Facebook * Twitter

book blast button Blast Giveaway 

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 8/17/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 21, 2014

Guest Post + Giveway: The Child Returns Soundtrack by Kristen Taber

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for the Aerenden series (The Child Returns #1, The Gildonae Alliance #2, The Zeiihbu Master #3) by Kristen Taber, a YA Fantasy available now. Kristen will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC and 10 copies of The Gildonae Alliance (Aerenden #2) Audible Book. Click here to see the other stops on the tour. Remember, the more stops you visit, the more chances you earn to win.

Guest Post


The Child Returns Soundtrack by Kristen Taber

Music and writing often go hand-in-hand. When talking to other writers, I find our conversations will often drift from outlining procedures to favorite bands and best writing songs. I’ve known a few authors who prefer silence, but the majority seem to write to music and I’m one of them. When I’m at home, I’m furiously typing to classical rock (like Bond, David Garrett, and 2Cellos), and when I’m in a coffee shop, classic rock fills my headphones (I’m a diehard Led Zeppelin fan). Most of my memories are associated with music in some way and my mind often drifts back to those memories in great detail when I hear a song (one of my earliest recollections is jamming out to “Black Dog” at age three). So naturally, when I dream about the Ærenden series being made into movies, I don’t cast my actors first. I cast my musicians.

Of course, you can’t have a good movie without a fabulous score. I’m a huge Howard Shore fan thanks to The Lord of the Rings, but I’m leaning more toward Hans Zimmer (The Dark Knight, Inception) as a better match for the series, thanks to his flawless ability to capture the true depth of human emotion, from despair to blossoming hope to unexpected joy.

As to the actual soundtrack for the first book in the Ærenden series, it fluctuates by month and mood, but the following song list is what I currently hear in my head when I read The Child Returns. It’ll be interesting to compare these songs to the final soundtrack if my dream ever becomes reality.

The Child Returns Unofficial Soundtrack
  1. Feeling Good – Muse
  2. Cosmic Love – Florence and the Machine
  3. Assassins – Muse
  4. Hopeless Wanderer – Mumford and Sons
  5. Abducted – Cults
  6. Got Nuffin’ – Spoon
  7. Hail to the King – Avenged Sevenfold
  8. King and Lionheart – Of Monsters and Men
  9. After the Storm – Mumford and Sons
  10. Broken – Lifehouse
  11. All These Things I’ve Done – The Killers
  12. Put Your Lights On – Santana feat. Everlast
To hear this playlist in its entirety, please check out this link:

And hey, since we’re talking about music and movies, do you think this guy ( can act? I think he’d make a dreamy Nick.


Book One: The Child Returns 

Seventeen-year-old Meaghan has no idea her perfect life has been a lie — until she witnesses her parents’ brutal murders at the hands of red-eyed creatures.

After nearly sharing their fate, she escapes with her best friend, Nick, who tells her the creatures are called Mardróch. They come from another world, and so does she. Now that the Mardróch have found her, she must return to her homeland of Ærenden or face death.

Left with little choice, she follows Nick into a strange world both similar to Earth and drastically different. Vines have the ability to attack. Monkeys freeze their victims with a glare. Men create bombs from thin air. Even Meaghan’s newly discovered empath power turns into a danger she cannot control.

But control becomes the least of her worries once the Mardróch begin targeting her. When Nick confesses he knows the reason they want her, she learns the truth behind the kingdom's fifteen-year civil war — a long-buried secret that could cost Meaghan her life.

Buy Links: Amazon * Barnes & Noble


Book Two: The Gildonae Alliance

Several months after Meaghan’s return to Ærenden, the kingdom’s war has taken a turn for the worse. The Mardróch army hunts the new King and Queen, destroying villages in its wake. And Meaghan and Nick, training for battle in their remote section of wilderness, are far from safe. Danger hides in shadows and behind innocent faces. Allies become foes. Each day is a fight to survive. But in the end, only one threat matters. And it’s a threat they never see coming.

Buy Links: Amazon * Barnes & Noble 

Book Three: The Zeiihbu Master

Separated and on opposite sides of the kingdom, Nick and Meaghan face different pursuits which could change the balance of power in Ærenden forever.

While Nick trains the villagers to be soldiers, Meaghan and a small rescue party venture into Zeiihbu to find Faillen's young son, before Garon can use the boy's power to destroy those still fighting against his rule.

Everyone knows Meaghan could be on a suicide mission, but when Nick stumbles upon a secret concealed in one of the southern villages, he realizes that Garon might not be Meaghan's greatest foe. The enemy most likely to kill her is someone who has also promised to keep her safe.

Buy Links: Amazon * Barnes & Noble 

Excerpt from book one, The Child Returns

THE WALLS fell in first. A flash of light and smoke came next. Or could it have been the other way around? It happened so fast, she could not remember. The air smelled funny, like when Papa put out the fire before bed. It filled her mouth and her nose. It stuffed her lungs and clogged her breathing. Then it turned thick and black so she could not see. She coughed. She tried to stand, to run, but her legs sagged beneath her. Tugging on a curtain, she pulled three times before she grew tired of toppling over, and crawled toward her bedroom. She called for her mama, but heard only the sound of distant screams through the smoke. None of them was Mama.

“Mama? Mama?” she cried again, feeling her way along the floor. Her fingers brushed a rug, soft and cool compared to the stone floor. A glowing fire consumed part of the room, heating the stone. It crept toward her. Fires hurt. Papa had told her she should not touch them. Sometimes she thought about trying to see if he was right, but she did not want to try with this one. It seemed angry. Its flames popped and snarled.

The couch began to glow, and then disappeared as the fire swept over it. It folded in half, crashing to the floor with a loud bang. She yelped. Tears stung her eyes and wet her cheeks. Her arms shook. Her legs trembled. She backed away, and found the table that usually stood in the middle of the living room. It must have toppled over too. It lay on its side next to a body that looked like Mama.

Author Bio

Kristen spent her childhood at the feet of an Irish storytelling grandfather, learning to blend fact with fiction and imagination with reality. She lived within the realm of the tales that captivated her, breathing life into characters and crafting stories even before she could read. Those stories have since turned into over a hundred poems, several short tales, and five manuscripts in both the Young Adult and Adult genres. Currently, Kristen is completing the five-part Ærenden series from her home office in the suburbs of Washington D.C.


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Cover Reveal: Pitch Imperfect by Elise Alden

Welcome to the cover reveal for Pitch Imperfect by Elise Alden, a contemporary romance coming October 20, 2014 from Carina Press!


This post is part of a tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Elise will award a $10 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please click the tour banner to visit other stops on the tour.

Here is the gorgeous cover!

About the Book:

Once-famous singer Anjuli Carver has returned to tiny Heaverlock Village alone and nearly broke. She’s poured every last penny into a rambling Victorian manor, hoping to start over. Trouble is, her money pit is falling to pieces and the only restoration architect for miles is Rob Douglas…her ex-fiancé.

For eight years, Rob has regretted not telling Anjuli why he never answered her letters. Being left at the altar broke his heart, but being used for sex one night in London after the fact nearly drove him to the edge of sanity, and he’ll be damned if he allows Anjuli to wreak havoc on his life again. He’ll restore her manor, all right, and give her taste of her own medicine while he’s at it.

But how long can revenge last when memories of their shared past keep rushing to the surface?

Soon, Rob wants answers. Why did Anjuli leave the international spotlight to become a recluse in the Scottish Borderlands? And why does she refuse to sing? Anjuli wants nothing more than to be left alone with her grief, even as she struggles to keep her sexy fantasies about Rob in check. With gossipy villagers, interfering friends and more secrets between them than notes on a scale, Anjuli and Rob will need to find forgiveness in order to work together, then decide if they’re willing to risk it all on an encore performance.

Elise reads, writes and revels in romance, and is never happier than when caught up in a heart-thumping, sweat-your-socks-off tale—hers or somebody else’s. She loves creating stories about flawed characters, people for whom love isn’t simply a question of boy-meets-girl, but a gut wrenching journey of transformation.

Author links:

To find out more about Elise and her books, check out her website . Drop by and say hello on or tweet to her @elise_alden

Book purchase links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Now Touring: Cryostorm (Touch of Frost #3) by Lynn Rush + Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book blitz for Cryostorm by Lynn Rush, an upper YA/new adult paranormal novel. It is book three in the Touch of Frost series.

Cryostorm (Touch of Frost #3)

Author: Lynn Rush
Release Date: 7/18/14
Genre: Upper YA/New Adult Paranormal
Author Website:
Author Amazon Page:
Amazon Buy Link: 


They made his body, she’ll awaken his soul…

Three months ago, my twin sister, Georgia, and I had to die so our loved ones would be safe from the scientists hunting us. After months of searching, we’re close to finding the one person who can help us find closure, Georgia’s adoptive mother, Lois.

Snowstorms and an unexpected run-in with GenCorp, the latest entity charged with capturing us, delay our mission and break our spirits. The only light in my supernaturally chaotic life is Nate. He’s given up everything to protect and take care of me, and each minute I’m with him confirms how much I love him. Finally ready to share my heart again, I take the next step, admitting my true feelings.

The mad scientists who want to tear me apart and use my body for a freak show, once again taint my happiness with a disturbing technology that rips Nate from my arms. As I battle GenCorp’s warped technology to save my soulmate, I’m faced with the vivid reality: the Nate I knew and fell in love with may be lost forever.

And if I get him back, will I still be able to say those three precious words?

Author Bio

Originally from Minnesota, Lynn Rush currently enjoys living in the sunny Arizona desert with her husband of seventeen years and her loveable Shetland Sheep dog, Maddux. Rush holds a degree in psychology from Southwest Minnesota State University and a master's degree from the University of Iowa. When she’s not busy writing her next trilogy, she can be found pounding the pavement, training for her next endurance event.

Connect with Lynn on Twitter, through Facebook or her website. Lynn also writes as Reese Monroe and you can find her alter ego here.

Frostbite (Touch of Frost #1):
Absolute Zero (Touch of Frost #2):


Runs: 7/18/14-7/31/14

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Designed by Jeannie Ruesch at Will Design for Chocolate:

Author Photo by Bonnie Adams